Our goal is to mimic the Alpaca, one of the most environmentally friendly animals on Earth; their hooves don't cause erosion and when they consume plants they don't kill them allowing them to easily grow back. To accomplish this we connect green companies in China with Korean churches, Japanese dojos, Chinese schools, and much more offering those companies exposure to the U.S. market and East Asian communities in the U.S. with cheaper environmentally friendly products.

Empowering East Asian Communities to Go Green


We appreciate donations of all shapes and sizes. As a non-profit organization, 100% of our funds are used to help the local communities around us. We hope that you will too be like an alpaca, eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable. Our goal has been to raise $5,000 dollars. With your help, we are certain we can reach that.
Thank You!

Photo by josiah farrow on Pexels.com